mardi 31 mai 2011
The Ancient World: Short discription
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The Ancient World
home | 6th-15th centuries | 16-17th centuries | 18-19th centuries | 1901 to World War II | 1945 to 21st century
Before 1000 BCE
Billions of Years -- a scientific theory -- from the earth's beginning to human species
Dinosaurs, Birds, and Survival -- a focus on the Triasic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods
Genes, Ageing and Evolution -- creature biologies
Biology, the Brain and History -- distribution of differences among humans
Origins of War -- from tribal raiding to empire
Primal Religions -- hunter-gatherers, agricultural gods and sacrifice, early civilization
Civilizations before 1000 BCE -- Africa, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, the Americas, Europe, Canaan
1000 BCE to CE 500 -- Survival, Power and War
India, Empire and Chaos -- rise and fall of the Maurya and Gupta empires
Empire and the Ancient Chinese -- monarchy and rebellion from the Zhou to Liu-Song dynasties
Middle East Empires and Judaism, to the 400s BCE -- Israel, Judah, Assyrians, Persians and the rise of Judaism
Greeks, Democracy and Slavery -- Draconian Athens, Sparta, Athenian democracy, the culture of slavery
The Greeks at War, 494 to 371 BCE -- the Greco-Persian and Peloponnesian Wars and end of Spartan power
Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Civilization -- empire, dissintegration, Jews and failed revolutions
The Roman Republic -- Rise and Demise to Augustus Caesar
The Roman Empire Declines and Disintegrates -- Augustus Caesar to the last emperor in the West
The Parthian and Sassanid Empires -- more rise and fall
Africa, Iron and Empire -- the Nubians, iron in the west, Askum and Meroe, the Bantu
The Ancient Japanese -- from the legend of Jimmu to the rise of the Yamato dynasty
The Americas, Southeast Asia and Oceania -- the Olmecs and Teotihuacán, Maya, Polynesians
Attempts at Knowledge and Wisdom after 1000 BCE
Hindus, Jains, and the Buddha -- changing Hinduism, the Upanishads, Buddhists, epic literature
Religion and Philosophy in China -- conqurors, human sacrifice, Confucius, Mozi, Buddhism, Taoism, I-ching
Confucianism and Buddhism to Korea -- from animism to wars fought under the banner of Buddhism
Myths among the Ancient Japanese -- Creation, and ancestors descended from the gods
Religion, Myth and the Ancient Greeks -- stories by Homer and Hesiod, cults, resurrection, the Olympics and war
Greek philosophers before Socratics -- Thales, Anaximander, Pythagoras, Xenophanese, Heraclitus, Anaxagoras, et cetera
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle -- gods of Homer, nature of idea, categories and science
Cynics, Skeptics, Stoics and Epicureans -- Antithenes, Diogenes, Pyrrho, Arcesilaus, Zeno of Citium, Epicurus
The Gods of Early Rome -- heavenly bodies, religious authority, importations, anti-druids, family values
Philosophy and the Roman Empire-- Cicero, Senaca, Plutarch, Lucian, Marcus Aurelius, Galen, Plotinus
Ancient Zoroastrians -- gods and the Persians, Zarathustra, optimism against evil
Manichaeism, a Universalist Faith -- the prophet Mani and his demise, 3rd century CE
Hellenism and Jews -- cultural diffusions, integration and trade versus religious traditionalists
Jews and Christianity, to 500 CE -- 2nd century BCE to Augustine in the 5th century CE
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